OAKLAND — A 22-year-old man was shot and robbed of his laptop computer Friday night in North Oakland, authorities said Saturday.

The man was in stable condition Saturday.

The shooting and robbery happened about 9:24 p.m. Friday at a bus stop in the 800 block of Stanford Avenue near 61st Street, not far from the Berkeley border.

The man told police he was waiting for a bus when a man with a gun approached him and demanded his laptop. Before he could comply he was shot in the lower part of his body and the robber ran away with the laptop, authorities said.

The wounded man was taken to a hospital.

A detailed description of the robber was not released.

Police and Crime Stoppers of Oakland are offering up to $5,000 in reward money for information leading to the arrest of the suspect. Anyone with information may call police at 510-238-3326 or Crime Stoppers at 510-777-8572.